transfer equilibrium

英 [trænsˈfɜː(r) ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm] 美 [trænsˈfɜːr ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm]




  1. Mass transfer coefficients of dehumidification and equilibrium humidity on adsorbent surfaces are determined by fittings of humidity derivatives.
  2. Study of a Model Featuring Mass Transfer and Chemical Equilibrium for Wet Method-based Desulfuration
  3. Finally the paper give a brief analysis of load transfer mechanism and how to choose the equilibrium position of the selection.
  4. Study of BTBA on Solid-Liquid Phase Transfer Equilibrium
  5. For the system being difficult to be volatile ( Hf1), temperature generates the influence on mass transfer coefficient by changing gas-liquid equilibrium relationship.
  6. In this paper, a simplified heat transfer model is set up for a rolling tire at state of thermal equilibrium.
  7. The E configuration of erythromycin oxime was found to transfer easily to the Z configuration to equilibrium under the condition of alkalescence.
  8. It has been indicated that charge density, material and thickness of the charge shell are the main exterior factors, while the essence is the influence on the transfer of the chemical equilibrium resulting from the pressure of products at the 'freeze out' temperature.
  9. A state transfer matrix differential equation was derived from the three-dimensional equilibrium equations and constitutive equations of a homogeneous, isotropic linear elastic body.
  10. For a semitransparent graded index medium with absorbing-transmitting boundary surfaces, the physical and mathematical models of thermal radiation transfer in medium and thermal radiation equilibrium on boundary surfaces are founded. The numerical curved ray tracing method is employed to solve the thermal radiation transfer.
  11. In the paper, the differential model of the removed carbon dioxide process of amines promoted hot potash solutions and the correlative equations of mass transfer, heat transfer and phase equilibrium can be used to simulate industrial absorption tower satisfactorily.
  12. Effective diffusivities, mass transfer coefficients, adsorption and desorption rate constants, equilibrium constants, saturated surface concentrations have been determined.
  13. Ultrasound is a kind of high frequency mechanical wave which can effectively improve mass transfer and heat transfer, change physical-chemistry phase equilibrium, fasten chemistry reaction rate.
  14. Electron Transfer and its Equilibrium between Eu and Tb in SrMgF_4 System
  15. On the condition of reasonable hypotheses, the model involves reaction rate equations, gas-liquid equilibrium, gas-liquid mass transfer equations and mass equilibrium. The results of simulation is close to the commercial practice.
  16. Charge transfer was discussed at the equilibrium geometry. The relation between the maximum stabilization energies and charge transfer is analyzed. The electron transfer matrix element Vrp was calculated by the Koopmans 'theorem at the DFT/ B3LYP level of theory.
  17. SCF possesses the characters of gas phase and liquid phase so that it is meaning to improve traditional mass and heat transfer as well as thermodynamic equilibrium and selectivity in chemical engineering.
  18. Where, the heat transfer equilibrium model in launch compartment is established and, time-temperature process of canisters releasing heat in launch compartment is numerically simulated.
  19. The kinetic constants such as transfer coefficients, exchange current, equilibrium potential and standard rate constant were determined.
  20. The model consists of a thermodynamic model, a heat transfer sub model, a chemical equilibrium model and a two-zone combustion model. The model is anticipated to accurately predict performance of a LPG engine.
  21. Coupled processes of chemical reaction, heat and mass transfer in non-thermal equilibrium porous medium
  22. Status prediction technique based on Markov process analysis techniques, a detailed study of prediction hypothesis, prediction model, the basic steps, the initial status, transfer matrix, equilibrium analysis, prediction table pointer analysis are studied.
  23. When the liquid velocity mutates greatly, the liquid-solid fluidized bed will transfer from one equilibrium to another.
  24. We might use it into Ott cycle for computing, the two processes of the Ott cycle that transfer heat are all the quasi-static process, it could dispose by equilibrium state thermodynamics.
  25. The limit of gas-liquid mass transfer is that two phases reach equilibrium.
  26. If the number of agents who transfer cognition breakthrough the equilibrium, the group cognition will be converged to innovation or conservation area.
  27. The problem of passenger flow assignment of different consumption level in the transfer network can be concluded as a multi-level ( consumption level) user equilibrium assignment problem.
  28. Considering the interact inFluent of flow and heat transfer, the author have used partial thermal equilibrium assumption to establish a mathematical model of heat transfer about the fluid in porous media, and conducted numerical calculation.
  29. The passenger train plan is established by the railway corporation; then passengers choose their transfer plan with their own intention; finally the equilibrium state is reached with influence of congest expense.